티스토리 뷰
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
class ColorHistogram {
int histSize[3]; // size of each dimension
float hranges[2]; // range of values (same for the 3 dimensions)
const float* ranges[3]; // array of ranges for each dimension
int channels[3]; // channel to be considered
ColorHistogram() {
// Prepare default arguments for a color histogram
// each dimension has equal size and range
histSize[0] = histSize[1] = histSize[2] = 256;
hranges[0] = 0.0; // BRG range from 0 to 256
hranges[1] = 256.0;
ranges[0] = hranges; // in this class,
ranges[1] = hranges; // all channels have the same range
ranges[2] = hranges;
channels[0] = 0; // the three channels: B
channels[1] = 1; // G
channels[2] = 2; // R
// set histogram size for each dimension
void setSize(int size) {
// each dimension has equal size
histSize[0] = histSize[1] = histSize[2] = size;
// Computes the histogram.
Mat getHistogram(const Mat &image) {
Mat hist;
// BGR color histogram
hranges[0] = 0.0; // BRG range
hranges[1] = 256.0;
channels[0] = 0; // the three channels
channels[1] = 1;
channels[2] = 2;
// Compute histogram
1, // histogram of 1 image only
channels, // the channel used
Mat(), // no mask is used
hist, // the resulting histogram
3, // it is a 3D histogram
histSize, // number of bins
ranges // pixel value range
return hist;
// Computes the 1D Hue histogram.
// BGR source image is converted to HSV
// Pixels with low saturation are ignored
Mat getHueHistogram(const Mat &image, int minSaturation = 0) {
Mat hist;
// Convert to HSV colour space
Mat hsv;
cvtColor(image, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
// Mask to be used (or not)
Mat mask;
// creating the mask if required
if (minSaturation > 0) {
// Spliting the 3 channels into 3 images
std::vector<Mat> v;
split(hsv, v);
// Mask out the low saturated pixels
threshold(v[1], mask, minSaturation, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
// Prepare arguments for a 1D hue histogram
hranges[0] = 0.0; // range is from 0 to 180
hranges[1] = 180.0;
channels[0] = 0; // the hue channel
// Compute histogram
1, // histogram of 1 image only
channels, // the channel used
mask, // binary mask
hist, // the resulting histogram
1, // it is a 1D histogram
histSize, // number of bins
ranges // pixel value range
return hist;
// Computes the 2D ab histogram.
// BGR source image is converted to Lab
Mat getabHistogram(const Mat &image) {
Mat hist;
// Convert to Lab color space
Mat lab;
cvtColor(image, lab, CV_BGR2Lab);
// Prepare arguments for a 2D color histogram
hranges[0] = 0;
hranges[1] = 256.0;
channels[0] = 1; // the two channels used are ab
channels[1] = 2;
// Compute histogram
1, // histogram of 1 image only
channels, // the channel used
Mat(), // no mask is used
hist, // the resulting histogram
2, // it is a 2D histogram
histSize, // number of bins
ranges // pixel value range
return hist;
class contentFinder {
// histogram parameters
float hranges[2];
const float* ranges[3];
int channels[3];
float threshold; // decision threshold
Mat histogram; // input histogram
contentFinder() : threshold(0.1f) {
// in this class, all channels have the same range
ranges[0] = hranges;
ranges[1] = hranges;
ranges[2] = hranges;
// Sets the reference histogram
void setHistogram(const Mat& h) {
histogram = h;
normalize(histogram, histogram, 1.0);
void setThreshold(float t) {
threshold = t;
// Simplified version in which
// all channels used, with range [0, 256] by default
Mat find(const Mat& image) {
Mat result;
hranges[0] = 0.0; // default range [0, 256]
hranges[1] = 256.0;
channels[0] = 0;
channels[1] = 1;
channels[2] = 2;
return find(image, hranges[0], hranges[1], channels);
// Finds the pixels belonging to the histogram
Mat find(const Mat& image, float minValue, float maxValue, int *channels) {
Mat result;
hranges[0] = minValue;
hranges[1] = maxValue;
// histogram dim matches channel list
for (int i = 0; i < histogram.dims; i++)
this->channels[i] = channels[i];
calcBackProject(&image, 1, // we only use on image
channels, // channels used
histogram, // the histogram we are using
result, // the back projection image
ranges, // the range of values for each dimension
255.0 // the scaling factor is chosen such that a histogram value of 1 maps to 255
// Threshold back projection to obtain a binary image
if (threshold > 0.0) cv::threshold(result, result, 255.0*threshold, 255.0, THRESH_BINARY);
return result;
int main() {
ColorHistogram hc;
Mat color = imread("waves.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR);
Mat imageROI = color(Rect(0, 0, 100, 45)); // blue sky area
int ch[2] = { 0, 0 };
// ************* BGR color space ************* //
// Get 3D color histogram (8 bins per channel)
hc.setSize(8); // 8x8x8
Mat hist = hc.getHistogram(imageROI);
// Create the content finder
contentFinder finder;
// set histogram to be back-projected
// Get back-projection of color histogram
Mat result = finder.find(color);
// ************* hue histogram ************* //
Mat hsv;
cvtColor(color, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
Mat hist_hue = hc.getHueHistogram(imageROI);
ch[0] = 0;
Mat result_hue = finder.find(hsv, 0.0f, 180.0f, ch);
// ************* ab histogram ************* //
Mat lab;
cvtColor(color, lab, CV_BGR2Lab);
Mat hist_ab = hc.getabHistogram(imageROI);
ch[0] = 1;
ch[1] = 2;
Mat result_ab = finder.find(lab, 0.0f, 256.0f, ch);
// ************* imwrite ************* //
imwrite("imageROI.bmp", imageROI);
imwrite("result.bmp", result);
imwrite("result_hue.bmp", result_hue);
imwrite("result_ab.bmp", result_ab);
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/video.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
class ColorHistogram {
int histSize[3]; // size of each dimension
float hranges[2]; // range of values (same for the 3 dimensions)
const float* ranges[3]; // array of ranges for each dimension
int channels[3]; // channel to be considered
ColorHistogram() {
// Prepare default arguments for a color histogram
// each dimension has equal size and range
histSize[0] = histSize[1] = histSize[2] = 256;
hranges[0] = 0.0; // BRG range from 0 to 256
hranges[1] = 256.0;
ranges[0] = hranges; // in this class,
ranges[1] = hranges; // all channels have the same range
ranges[2] = hranges;
channels[0] = 0; // the three channels: B
channels[1] = 1; // G
channels[2] = 2; // R
// set histogram size for each dimension
void setSize(int size) {
// each dimension has equal size
histSize[0] = histSize[1] = histSize[2] = size;
// Computes the histogram.
Mat getHistogram(const Mat &image) {
Mat hist;
// BGR color histogram
hranges[0] = 0.0; // BRG range
hranges[1] = 256.0;
channels[0] = 0; // the three channels
channels[1] = 1;
channels[2] = 2;
// Compute histogram
1, // histogram of 1 image only
channels, // the channel used
Mat(), // no mask is used
hist, // the resulting histogram
3, // it is a 3D histogram
histSize, // number of bins
ranges // pixel value range
return hist;
// Computes the 1D Hue histogram.
// BGR source image is converted to HSV
// Pixels with low saturation are ignored
Mat getHueHistogram(const Mat &image, int minSaturation = 0) {
Mat hist;
// Convert to HSV colour space
Mat hsv;
cvtColor(image, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
// Mask to be used (or not)
Mat mask;
// creating the mask if required
if (minSaturation > 0) {
// Spliting the 3 channels into 3 images
std::vector<Mat> v;
split(hsv, v);
// Mask out the low saturated pixels
threshold(v[1], mask, minSaturation, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
// Prepare arguments for a 1D hue histogram
hranges[0] = 0.0; // range is from 0 to 180
hranges[1] = 180.0;
channels[0] = 0; // the hue channel
// Compute histogram
1, // histogram of 1 image only
channels, // the channel used
mask, // binary mask
hist, // the resulting histogram
1, // it is a 1D histogram
histSize, // number of bins
ranges // pixel value range
return hist;
class contentFinder {
// histogram parameters
float hranges[2];
const float* ranges[3];
int channels[3];
float threshold; // decision threshold
Mat histogram; // input histogram
contentFinder() : threshold(0.1f) {
// in this class, all channels have the same range
ranges[0] = hranges;
ranges[1] = hranges;
ranges[2] = hranges;
// Sets the reference histogram
void setHistogram(const Mat& h) {
histogram = h;
normalize(histogram, histogram, 1.0);
void setThreshold(float t) {
threshold = t;
// Simplified version in which
// all channels used, with range [0, 256] by default
Mat find(const Mat& image) {
Mat result;
hranges[0] = 0.0; // default range [0, 256]
hranges[1] = 256.0;
channels[0] = 0;
channels[1] = 1;
channels[2] = 2;
return find(image, hranges[0], hranges[1], channels);
// Finds the pixels belonging to the histogram
Mat find(const Mat& image, float minValue, float maxValue, int *channels) {
Mat result;
hranges[0] = minValue;
hranges[1] = maxValue;
// histogram dim matches channel list
for (int i = 0; i < histogram.dims; i++)
this->channels[i] = channels[i];
calcBackProject(&image, 1, // we only use on image
channels, // channels used
histogram, // the histogram we are using
result, // the back projection image
ranges, // the range of values for each dimension
255.0 // the scaling factor is chosen such that a histogram value of 1 maps to 255
// Threshold back projection to obtain a binary image
if (threshold > 0.0) cv::threshold(result, result, 255.0*threshold, 255.0, THRESH_BINARY);
return result;
int main() {
// Read reference image
Mat image = imread("baboon01.jpg");
// Baboon's face ROI
Rect rect_initial(110, 45, 35, 45);
Mat imageROI = image(rect_initial);
// Get the Hue histogram of baboon's face
int minSat = 65;
ColorHistogram hc;
Mat colorhist = hc.getHueHistogram(imageROI, minSat);
rectangle(image, rect_initial, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
contentFinder finder;
imwrite("before_meanShift.bmp", image);
// ------------
// Second image
image = imread("baboon02.jpg");
// Convert to HSV space
Mat hsv;
cvtColor(image, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
// Get back-projection of hue histogram
int ch[1] = { 0 };
finder.setThreshold(-1.0f); // no thresholding
Mat result = finder.find(hsv, 0.0f, 180.0f, ch);
// initial window postion
Rect rect_meanShift(110, 45, 35, 45);
// search object with mean shift
TermCriteria criteria(
TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | TermCriteria::EPS,
10, // iterate max 10 times
1); // or unitil the change in centroid postion is less than 1px
meanShift(result, rect_meanShift, criteria);
rectangle(image, rect_initial, Scalar(0, 0, 255)); // draw initial window
rectangle(image, rect_meanShift, Scalar(0, 255, 0)); // draw output window
imwrite("backprojection.bmp", result);
imwrite("meanshift.bmp", image);
'영상처리 > OpenCV' 카테고리의 다른 글
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최근에 올라온 글
최근에 달린 댓글
- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- erosion
- pyrUp
- canny operator
- pyrDown
- 영상처리
- segmentation
- gradient
- OpenCV
- Low pass filter
- black top hat
- high pass filter
- laplacian of gaussian
- mean filter
- morphology
- difference of gaussian
- Filter
- median filter
- bilateral filter
- adaptive thresholding
- equalizing
- hough transform
- direction detection
- 캐니 엣지
- top hat
- upsampling
- Line Detection
- canny
- dilation
- Sobel
- morphological operation
일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
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