티스토리 뷰


11. Laplacian

빠리빵 2019. 5. 2. 22:12

#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

class myLaplacian {
	// laplacian
	Mat laplace;
	// size of the laplacian kernel
	int kernelSize;

	myLaplacian() : kernelSize(3) {}

	// Set size of the kernel
	void setKernelSize(int inputAperture) {
		kernelSize = inputAperture;

	// computer the floating point Laplacian
	Mat computeLaplacian(const Mat& inputImage) {
		// Compute Laplacian
		Laplacian(inputImage, laplace, CV_32F, kernelSize);
		return laplace;

	Get the Laplacian result in 8-bit image.
	zero corresponds to gray level 128.
	if no scale is provided, then the max value will be scaled to intensity 255
	You must call computeLaplacian before calling this
	Mat convertDataRange(double scale = -1.0) {
		if (scale < 0) {
			double laplacianMin, laplacianMax;
			// get min and max laplacian values
			minMaxLoc(laplace, &laplacianMin, &laplacianMax);
			// scale the laplacian to 127
			scale = 127 / max(-laplacianMin, laplacianMax);

		// produce gray-level image
		Mat laplaceImage;
		laplace.convertTo(laplaceImage, CV_8U, scale, 128);
		return laplaceImage;

	Get a binary image of the zero-crossings
	laplacian image should be CV_32F
	negative values in black
	positive values in white
	Mat getZeroCrossings(Mat laplace) {
		// threshold at 0
		Mat signImage;
		threshold(laplace, signImage, 0, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
		// convert the +/- image into CV_8U
		Mat binary;
		signImage.convertTo(binary, CV_8U);
		// dilate the binary image of +/- regions
		Mat dilated;
		dilate(binary, dilated, Mat());

		// return the zero-crossing contours
		return dilated;

int main() {
	Mat image = imread("lena.tif", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

	// Compute Laplacian using myLaplacian class
	myLaplacian laplacian;
	laplacian.setKernelSize(7);	// 7x7 laplacian
	Mat laplace = laplacian.computeLaplacian(image);
	Mat laplace_convertDataRange = laplacian.convertDataRange();
	Mat zeroCrossing = laplacian.getZeroCrossings(laplace);

	imwrite("laplace.bmp", laplace);
	imwrite("laplace_convertDataRange.bmp", laplace_convertDataRange);
	imwrite("zeroCrossing.bmp", zeroCrossing);

	// Difference of Gaussians (DoG)
	Mat gauss20, gauss22, dog, dog_zeroCrossing;
	GaussianBlur(image, gauss20, Size(), 2.0);
	GaussianBlur(image, gauss22, Size(), 2.2);
	// compute a difference of gaussians
	subtract(gauss20, gauss22, dog, Mat(), CV_32F);
	// compute the zero-crossings of DoG
	dog_zeroCrossing = laplacian.getZeroCrossings(dog);
	imwrite("dog_zeroCrossing.bmp", dog_zeroCrossing);

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